by Henry van Dyke
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love,
Time is eternity.
Hours fly,
Flowers die:
New days,
New ways:
Pass by!
Love stays.
If you won't think something's wrong
when I sing random words out loud
or when I'm staring with a frown (it means I'm thinking),
If you don't want to run and hide
when in the corner of your eye
you see me dancing 'round the room like I'm a gypsy,
80ofu90i spend my life3jslfjsal34fjseljfshhu238sdd
90sd3oru3890dflas one big confused messfywojdljfssldk
hgh3and i never get what i do deserve,sldjrwo83djckcke
jkdjfls76ij,cthank God,sdfsfsdjktywethogri493kd4yy
rsthough who the hell knows whywklcpeiwxz7fdsasf5
skfa'cause i seldom seem to do the right thingsfrwfds
dlskhfsdkfand-every night-i ought to go to bed amazedasd
sdlibecause i know that for some strange reasonsdlfjoa
d3ad you will graciously deign to trifle with mesdksdfsl6
fjsliwewemw-every tomorrow-;rth6gdgsdfdasdfdsa
fgjsf546djr9wej9yhj,jhYou're too good.jsdklt9asu9d
there's no restraint
it's been too long
too little change
can't concentrate
don't think about
don't wonder more
can do without
fill emptiness
no flightiness
curb sadness and
the pessimist
the written word
a helping hand
do what you know
do what you can
don't look too hard
don't search too far
it hurts the eyes
can hurt the heart
strike out the name
protect the wall
ignore the game
too quick to hide
can't help but run
stop compromise
no shutting eyes
how quickly smile
to blue thought fades
will questions rise
give birth to change?
their words to hear
all them, too loud
their words too weird
so quiet walk
away come back
make up the mind
the self attacks
oh wanting to
explain the past
just longing to
admit at last
Note to Self
the stillness would speak,
should you choose to listen
should you quit your pomp and circumstance
should you quietly deny the commotion that would command you,
running rampant about your life, your room, your mind
sing no bold-yet-vacant lines~
utter naught but whispers, if need be
and give ear to that which calls
lay down your arms, your pen, their words,
and pick up His own
then with eyes drawn shut and heart laid bare, know freedom
for a moment...fall out of the fight, and into the silence~
one of which never was yours,
the other which longs to be
for the whisper in the wind to you would speak,
should you choose to listen
silence shines golden in the light of what is waiting
so h u s h...